Monday, April 20, 2015

question bank for project management for TYBsc (I.T).

1.       What are the factors that can be abstracted with software economics? Explain in detail.
2.       What is effort estimation and explain any of models used for the same.
3.       What are the 3 generations of s/w development? Compare them.
4.       Explain the process of cost estimation.
5.       What are the points to be discussed to reduce software project size?
6.       What is customization of component & compare them with commercial components.
7.       How do we partition the process perspectives? Explain them in brief.
8.       Analyze the 3 different process perspectives with its attribute
9.       Explain Boehm’s staffing principle
10.   What are the skills of project manager is required to build effective team.
11.   SN on peer inspection or review
12.   Explain the importance of performance assessment.
13.   Analyze waterfall model in theory?
14.   Analyze waterfall model in practice?
15.   Explain some of the suggestion to improve waterfall model
16.   List Boehm’s top 10 principles of conventional S/W management.
17.   Late design & integration is a biggest drawback of waterfall model.
18.   Explain risk management of convention at s/w management.

1 How are the artifacts of the process organized? Explain in brief.
2 “Management set artifacts associated with process planning & execution”- justify the stmt.
3 why do we call the requirements set the primary engineering content? Explain.
4 Explain Design   Artifacts.
5 Explain implementation artifacts.
6 Explain what deployment set is & how they are evaluated.
7 How do you evaluate the artifacts over the life cycle?
8 Write a short note on test artifacts.
9 Write a short note on management artifacts.
10 Explain the significance of vision document.
11 Explain the template of business case.
12 Write a short note on pragmatic artifacts
13 Write a short note on management perspective architecture.
14 Write a short note on Technical perspective architecture.

1.       Explain 7 top level workflows in brief. 
2.       Enlist & explain the artifacts & life cycle emphases associated with each workflow.
3.       Write a short note on interaction workflows.
4.       “The key principles of modern software engineering justify the top level workflows”- Justify this statement.
5.       How do you classify the joint management reviews & explain all the types.
6.       How do the major milestones balance the information of life cycle?
7.       “In order to ensure the consistency on various artifacts, the major milestones concentrate on objective, operational capabilities, & release issues”. Explain this statement.
8.       Write a short note on minor milestones.
9.       How many iterations are needed minimum to ensure the focused engineering activities.
10.   Write a short note on periodic status assessment.
11.   Explain different contents of status assessment reviews.
12.   What are the conventional issues associated with WBS?
13.   Explain the evolution of WBS or hierarchy of WBS organization.
14.   How to create a tailor-made WBS? Discuss the ways and means.
15.   Explain planning guidelines.
16.   Explain how to improve the expertise & experience of the project.
17.   Explain the 2 perspectives through which project plans need to be derived.
18.   How do you ensure the synchronization across the project?
19.   Write a short note on pragmatic planning.
1.       What is the default project organization? Explain the main traits of it.
2.       Explain the roles I software line-of-business organization in detail.
3.       Which team is responsible for planning? Explain their roles, artifacts and responsibilities.
4.       What are the key points that software architecture team should focus on? Explain their roles, artifacts and responsibilities.
5.       Which group is responsible for the quality of individual components? Explain their roles, artifacts and responsibilities.
6.       Why software assessment team should be a separate team? Explain their roles, artifacts and responsibilities.
7.       Compare the life-cycle focus of project organization with respect to software architecture team.
8.       Compare the life-cycle focus of project organization with respect to software Management team.
9.       Compare the life-cycle focus of project organization with respect to software assessment team.
10.   Compare the life-cycle focus of project organization with respect to software development team.
11.   Explain the term “software project team evolution”.
12.   Enlist the set of activities evolved over the life-cycle. Explain the same.
13.   Why the process is to be automated? Explain the reasons and the three levels of automation.
14.   Why the tools are considered as the core components in the process automation? Explain.
15.   What are the types of critical environment disciplines to the management context?
16.   Explain the three states of artifacts in project environment
17.   Explain “Round Trip Engineering” with neat diagram.
18.   Explain the basic fields of Software Change Order with the help of a template of the same.
19.   Write a short note on “Configuration base line”.
20.   Write a short note on “CCB”.
21.   What is the key focus area of Stakeholder environment? Explain.
22.   “Project software standard is to be set by organization policy” -Explain the statement.


1.       Why software metrics are required in modern software management? Enlist the seven core metrics that adds success to the project.
2.       Explain the three management indicators’ metrics in detail.
3.       Explain the four quality indicators’ metrics in detail.
4.       Write a short note on pragmatic software metrics.
5.       Explain the automation of process with neat diagram.
6.       Explain the two dimensions of process discriminate with neat diagram.
7.       Enlist the factors of tailoring a software process framework. Explain the scale factor in detail.
8.       Enlist the factors of tailoring a software process framework. Explain any of the 4 factors in detail.
9.       Compare and contrast small-scale and large-scale projects.


1.       What are the issues of conventional software management that modern software management should address?  Explain the resolving ideas in brief.

2.       What is the solution given for the problem of “Late design breakage” of conventional software management? Explain in detail.

3.       What is the solution given for the problem of “Late risk resolution” of conventional software management? Explain in detail.
4.       What is the solution given for the problem of “requirements-driven functional decomposition” of conventional software management? Explain in detail.
5.       What is the solution given for the problem of “Adversarial stakeholder relationship” of conventional software management? Explain in detail.
6.       Enlist the various principles of modern project management.
7.       Explain the best practices listed it out by “Airline Software Council”.
8.       How does COCOMO-I, one of the cost estimation models, estimate the cost and effort? Explain.
9.       How does COCOMOI-I, one of the cost estimation models, estimate the cost and effort? Explain.
10.   Write a short note on FP.
11.   Compare and contrast SLOC and FP.
12.   How does cost estimation serve as the potential solution for modern software project management? Explain with neat diagram.
13.   Explain the steps or strategies to make error-free software.
14.   Enlist the top 10 metrics given by Boehm.
15.   Write an exhaustive note on “Culture shift”.
16.   Explain how modern process transition claims that to be fruitful.
17.   Explain the process of denouement.
18.   State the traits of modern process of development.


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