- Explain the functions of each layer in the OSI
- Explain the functions of each layer in the
TCP/IP protocol suite.
- Comparison between OSI and TCP/IP Protocol
- How many levels of addresses are used in TCP/IP
- What is the architecture of classful
- What are the two-level addresses used in class
A, B or C?
- Why do you need subnetting in classful
- What is the use of Supernetting in classful
- How classless addressing better than classful
- How do you represent two-level addressing in
classless addressing?
- How do you allocate blocks in classless
- How subnetting is implemented in classless
- What are the special addresses available in
classful addressing?
- What are the special addresses in each block
available in classful addressing?
- How can you provide the mapping between private
and universal addresses?
- Write a note on Internet Protocol version 4.
- Explain the packet format of IPv4 datagram.
- Why do you need to fragment an IP datagram?
Explain the fields related to it.
- Explain the term Maximum Transfer Unit.
- What is the use of options in IP datagram?
Explain any one of the option with its format.
- Which method is used to detect
error by TCP/IP protocol? How it is calculated at sender and receiver
- Explain the concept of IP over ATM.
- Explain the security issues that are applicable
to IP protocol.
- Write a note on IP package.
- What are the different notations used to
represent IPv6 addresses?
- What are the three addresses used for
destination address in IPv6?
- How do you allocate the address space of IPv6?
- Write a
note on following IPv6 addresses: a. IPv4 Compatible addresses b.
Unspecified Address c. Loopback Address d. Embedded IPv4 addresses e.
Unique Local Unicast block f. Link local block g. Multicast Block
- What is the use of global Unicast Addresses?
Explain all parts of this address.
- How does a host in IPv6 configure itself?
- How IPv6 is better than IPv4?
- Explain the packet format of IPv6 datagram.
- What is the use of flow label in IPv6.
- Comparison between IPv4 and IPv6 headers.
- How many types of extension headers defined in
IPv6? Explain any 1 with its format.
- Comparison between IPv4 and IPv6 options.
- Problems based on IPv4 and IPv6 addressing.
- Problems based on packet formats and
- What is the concept of ARP protocol?
- Explain the packet format of ARP.
- Explain the steps involved in ARP process.
- Give the four cases in which services of ARP
can be used?
- What is the use of proxy ARP?
- Explain the packet format of ATMARP.
- Explain ATMARP operation.
- Write a note on ARP package.
- What is the concept of ICMP?
- What is the use of error reporting messages?
Explain any 1 of them with its format.
- What is the use of query messages? Explain any
1 of them with its format.
- Which debugging tools are available in ICMP?
- Write a note on ICMP package.
- What are the phases the mobile hosts has to go
through to communicate with the remote host?
- What is the inefficiency in mobile IP? Explain
with the solution.
- How Bellman-Ford algorithm helps to find least
cost between any two nodes?
- Explain distance vector algorithm?
- Explain the term count to infinity with an
- Define the solutions faced by two-node
- Explain the three-node instability.
- What is the concept of RIP?
- Explain the message format of RIP.
- What are the three timers used in RIP?
- How RIP2 is better than RIP?
- What is the concept of Link State Routing?
- How to build routing table using link state
- Explain the algorithm used to form shortest
path tree with suitable example.
- What is the concept of the protocol which is
based on link state routing?
- What are the types of links in OSPF? Explain
each in detail.
- Explain the common header format of OSPF
- Which packet is said to be heart of OSPF
operation? Explain with its format.
- Explain the packet format of routing link LSA.
- what is the concept of summary link to network?
Explain with its format.
- What is the concept of summary link to AS boundary
router? Explain with its format.
- What is the concept of external link LSA?
- What is the need of Hello message?
- Explain database description packet format.
- Explain link state request packet format.
- Explain link state acknowledgement packet.
- How path vector routing is better than distance
vector and link state routing?
- How to build routing tables using path vector
- Explain the protocol which is based on path
vector routing?
- Explain the types of autonomous system in BGP.
- How do you exchange routing information between
two routers in BGP?
- Explain the common header format of BGP
- Explain all types of BGP messages with its
packet format.
- Write a note on UDP.
- Explain the packet format of UDP.
- What are the services provided by UDP?
- How UDP checksum calculation is different from
IP checksum calculation.
- How does encapsulation and de-capsulation takes
place in UDP?
- What is the need of queues in UDP?
- How multiplexing and demultiplexing is used in
- What are the applications of UDP? Explain any
one with an example.
- Explain UDP package.
- Write a note on TCP.
- What is the need of sending and receiving
buffers in TCP?
- What are the services provided by TCP?
- What are the features of TCP?
- Explain TCP segment format.
- Which method is used to establish connection
using TCP?
- Explain the term SYN flooding attack.
- How do you transfer the data in TCP? Explain
with an example.
- How do you terminate the connection?
- Explain the term Half-close.
- Explain the state-transition diagram of TCP.
- What is the need of send and receive window?
- How do you control the flow of data in TCP?
- Explain the term silly window syndrome.
- How do you control the error in data in TCP?
- How do you come to know when to retransmit
- How do you control congestion in network in TCP?
- What re the types of timers used by TCP?
- What are the options available in TCP? Explain
each with its packet format.
- Explain TCP package.
- What the best features of TCP and UDP included
in SCTP?
- What are the services provided by SCTP?
- What are the features on SCTP?
- Explain the packet format of SCTP.
- What are the different types of chunks in SCTP?
Explain each of them with example.
- How do you establish an association in SCTP?
- How do you transfer the data in SCTP?
- What is the need of fragmentation in SCTP?
- How do you terminate the association in SCTP?
- How do you abort the association in SCTP?
- Explain the state-transition diagram of SCTP.
- How do you control the flow of data in SCTP?
- How do you control the error in data in STCP?
- How do you come to know when to retransmit
- How do you control congestion in network in
- How does DHCP sever operate on same and
different network?
- Explain the packet format of DHCP.
- How does DHCP allocate address dynamically?
- How does DHCP client performs state
transitions to obtain address from DHCP sever?
- What is the need of DNS server?
- How do you assign names to machines in DNS?
- What is the difference between FQDN and PQDN?
- Explain the term Domain in DNS.
- Why do we need to distribute name space?
- What are the roles of primary server and
secondary server?
- How do you use DNS in the internet?
- Explain the term resolution.
- Explain the term caching.
- What types of messages can be used in DNS?
Explain each of them with its packet format.
- How do you encapsulate DNS in UDP or TCP?
- What is the need of Dynamic Domain Name System
- What are the security issues in DNS?
Unit 5
- What is the concept of TELNET?
- Explain the term Network Virtual Terminal (NVT)
used in Telnet.
- What are the options that both Telnet client
and server have to use to negotiate during the use of service?
- Which are the sub-options used in Telnet?
- Explain the term Out-Of-Band signaling.
- Which are the three modes that telnet operates?
- Why do we need Secure Shell (SSH) in telnet?
- What are the components of SSH?
- Explain the packet format of SSH.
- What is the concept of FTP?
- What are the two connections that FTP uses?
- Which are the two approaches that
FTP client and server uses to communicate with each other?
- What data structures FTP uses to transfer a
file across data connection?
- Which modes are used by FTP to transfer a file
across data connection?
- Which commands are used by FTP for
communication between client and server?
- Which responses are used by FTP for
communication between server and client?
- What do you mean by file transferring in FTP?
- Explain the term Anonymous FTP.
- What is the concept of TFTP?
- What are the types of TFTP messages? Explain
each with its packet format.
- How do you establish connection in TFTP?
- When does error control need in TFTP?
- Explain the term sorcerer’s apprentice bug.
- Describe the architecture of WWW.
- Write a note on Web Client and Server.
- Write a note on URL.
- How do you access dynamic document using CGI?
- How do you access dynamic document using
server-site script?
- How do you access active document using applet?
- How do you access active document using
client-site script?
- What is the concept of HTTP?
- Explain the format of request message of HTTP.
- Explain the format of response message of HTTP.
- What do understand by conditional request of
HTTP? Explain with an example.
- What is the difference between persistent and
non-persistent connection of TCP?
- How do you create and store cookies at the
- What is the use of proxy server?
- Explain the term MTA and MAA.
- Explain the types of user agent.
- Describe the format of an e-mail.
- What is the concept of SMTP?
- Define the commands used by SMPT.
- What are the responses generated from server to
client using SMTP?
- Explain the phases of mail transfer.
- What is the concept of POP3?
- What is the concept of IMAP4?
- What is the concept of MIME? Explain its
- What is the concept of SNMP?
- Explain the term Manager and Agent.
- What are the functions of SMI?
- Which encoding method is used to encode data to
transmit over the network?
- What is the use of MIB?
- How to access MIB variables?
- What is the use of SNMP?
- Explain the format of SNMP PDU format.
- What types of messages are embedded into PDU?
- How does SNMP uses the services of UDP ports?
- How do you digitize audio and video/
- How do you compress a audio?
- How do you compress a video?
- How do you compress an image?
- How do you construct frames in MPEG?
- How do you download a compressed audio/video
using web server?
- How do you download a compressed audio/video
using web server with metafile?
- How do you download a compressed audio/video
using media server?
- How do you download a compressed audio/video using
media server and RSTP?
- What is the concept of real time interactive
- Explain the term playback buffer?
- How do you handle real time traffic on the
- What is the need of Real-Time Transport Control
Protocol (RTCP)?
- Which protocol is used for
multimedia session?
- What is the purpose of H.323 protocol?
- Explain the term QoS in multimedia.
- How do you improve QoS?
- Write a note on Integrated Services.
- Write a note on Differentiated Services.
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