Monday, April 20, 2015

Question bank for Data Warehousing UNIT 1 & 2 for T.YBsc(I.T.)

Data Warehousing
1.   What is a need of datawarehouse?
2.   List and explain the characteristics of datawarehouse.
3.   Differentiate Operational Systems and Informational Systems.
4.   Draw and explain data warehouse architecture.
5.   Short note on: Source System in data warehouse architecture.
6.   Explain is the role of Source data transport layer?
7.   What is role of Data Quality Control and Data Profiling Layer?
8.   What is metadata? Explain Metadata Management Layer.
9.   What is integrated data? Explain the importance of Data Integrity Layer.
10.                Explain Data Processing Layer?
11.                Give the important role plays is data warehouse? Explain End User Reporting Layer.
12.                What are the factors to be considered while designing data warehouse.
13.                Explain scope of data warehouse.
14.                What are the various levels of data redundancy in data warehouse?
15.                List and explain the various types of end user of data warehouse.
                                         i.    Executive and managers.
                                        ii.    Power users(business and functional analysts, engineers)
                                       iii.    Support users(Clerks, administrators)
16.                Explain the goals of data warehouse.
1.   Provide easy access to corporate data.
2.   Provide Clean and Reliable data for analysis
17.                Differentiate between OLTP and data warehouse databases.
18.                Why dimensional modeling is essential.
19.                Explain star schema with suitable example.
20.                What is relationship between fact table and dimension table? Explain with suitable example.
21.                Differentiate between star schema and snowflake schema.
22.                Describe the foreign key column in fact table and dimension table.
23.                Differentiate between star schema and snowflake schema.
24.                What is a level of granularity of a fact table?
25.                What are additive, semi-additive and non-additive measures?
26.                Short note on additivity of facts.
27.                What is role helper table of multi-valued dimensions?
28.                Explain the role of associative entity.


1.   Differentiate between OLTP Database and Data warehouse database
2.   What is data warehose?
3.   Write the steps to install Oracle 11g?
4.   What is LISTENER? Write the steps to create a new Listener?(Page(18)
5.   Write the steps to create database using ‘Database Configuration Assistant’(Page 20)
6.   Draw and explain the OWB architecture.
7.   List and explain OWB Components
(i)                  Data Center
(ii)                 Repository Browser
(iii)                Control Center Service
(iv)               Repository
(v)                 Target Schema
8.   What is workspace?
9.   How to configure the repository and workspace.
10.        Write the steps to import metadata from oracle.
11.        Write the steps to import metadata from flat files(.csv).
12.        Write a steps to create oracle module.
13.        Write a steps to create SQL module.
14.        Explain the explorer’s in design centre.

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